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The JBK Team We have just completed another very successful 6 Day Australian Canoeing Sea Kayaking Skills Program in conjunction with the Go-Tafe Outdoor Education Department.

Murrays Beach – just a picture after a fun and wild Sea Journey

Tracy Gibson and Matt Goodwin present the program to candidates studying for their Certificate 4 in Outdoor Education as part of a complete program that trains and prepares them for work in the Outdoor Adventure Field.

Our Favourite Place – The Seaward Side of Bowen Island, just brilliant.

We would like to thank Go Tafe’s Coordinator Craig Kappes again for his continued support in allowing us to host this very popular and incredibly fun and rewarding program.

Navigation and Trip Planning at JBK

Jervis Bay Kayak and Paddlesports Co are proud to conduct this 6 day program that ensures candidates have the best opportunity to progress through units of competency with ultimate goal of achieving a professional level in Sea Kayaking.