JBK Instructor Matt Goodwin has returned home from an epic 10 days in one of the last great unspoilt kayaking areas of the world, the Marovo Lagoon of the Solomon Islands. This is JBKs 4th Annual Expedition to this beautiful region.

The Marovo Lagoon is the world’s biggest saltwater lagoon and provides a spectacular opportunity for sea kayaking in a pristine environment amongst the backdrop of amazing cultural interactions with local Solomonese villagers.
A wonderful group of keen paddlers from all over Australia, the crew spent time camping on deserted tropical islands, snorkelling over coral reefs and WW2 relics and being welcomed with open arms by locals into their own homes and gardens.

Highlights of the trip included being honoured to paddle a traditional Solomonese War Canoe, being invited to share a meal with locals in the villages of Eleluka, Kajoro and Cheke, paddling through the Australian Army created WW2 era Bapata Passages of New Georgia Island and snorkeling some of the most untouched coral reefs left in the world.

All of the group agreed that traveling to the Solomon Islands is something of a life changing experience, and were humbled to be accepted by the local people so readily when paddling through what amounts to be their own backyard. The Marovo Lagoon is certainly an experience not be missed.

JBK as always wish to thank all the paddlers; Eric, Marianne, Di, Angela, Tim, Petra and Mary. We also thank our Kayak Solomons Guide Aeram for an unforgettable week and hope the connection we have forged will be ongoing for a long time to come.
Best Regards – JBK Team
For Information on our upcoming Custom Adventure Sea Kayaking Holidays, please see our website here and make your next Holiday an Experience you will never forget.